WP1 Fundamentals of overshoot pathways
Lead Partner: Imperial College London

WP1 establishes an understanding of warming trajectories, net-zero timing and potential overshoot implied by current climate targets under the Paris Agreement and analyses overshoot pathway characteristics with a focus on the large-scale CDR and the pace of temperature reversal. It identifies and delivers an assessment of key uncertainties and risks of overshoot pathways and their components (e.g. risks from higher warming, risks from larger CDR requirement or introduction of SRM risk of impaired reversibility due to climate system uncertainties or feedbacks, risks from uncertain effectiveness of CDR).
Policy brief on assessment of GHG emissions implied by the latest round of NDCs under the Paris Agreement, their plausible temperature implications, and CDR deployment scales in associated pathways
WP2 Biophysical Impacts
Lead Partner: ETH Zürich

WP3 Overshoot proofing for enhanced adaptation decision making and policy

WP3 assesses the implications of overshoots for adaptation planning, including the potential spatial and temporal development of relevant dimensions of vulnerability and adaptive capacity in response to the biophysical changes assessed in WP1 and WP2. To this end, WP3 deploys vulnerability and economic modelling approaches at different scales including adaptation costing83. Overshoot proofing of two adaptation strategies on EU level are performed in a co-development process with relevant decision-makers, including scenario planning workshops. Through these case studies WP3 constitutes a testbed and centrally contributes to the co-development of the Overshoot Proofing Module as part of the service provision under WP5. Furthermore, WP3 assesses the mitigation implications of avoiding impact and adaptation thresholds and irreversible risks and provides for an input into the Paris Agreement global stocktake.
Policy brief on PROVIDE findings of adaptation and mitigation implications of overshoot risks as input into the Global Stocktake
First overshoot proofing reports for sectoral adaptation strategies
Second overshoot proofing reports for sectoral adaptation strategies
Policy brief on Overshoot Proofing WP3 2 – CA Report Public 33
WP4 Iconic Regions and Cities
Lead Partner: FCiências.ID

Four review reports on key overshoot adaptation challenges in Iconic Regions and Cities
Four overshoot proofing reports for Iconic Regions and Cities
Co-developed iconic overshoot adaptation scenario narratives and high-resolution maps
WP5 PROVIDE Climate Services Products

Version 0 of the CS Dashboard providing information on few
Version 1 of the CS Dashboard, providing climate and sectoral impact information as well as a first version of the Regional Module
Final version of the CS Dashboard, providing climate and sectoral impact information and reversibility assessments, and the Overshoot Proofing Module
Capacity-building resources and webinars on application of climate impact information for overshoot proofing
WP6 Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement

Release of complete set of communication materials and tools, incl. the public website-V 1.0
Policy brief on climate and sectoral overshoot impacts and reversibility assessments, and implications for adaptation
WP7 Project coordination and management & data management